Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Assignment †Drinks: Evidence-Based Claims

HBS108 Assignment – Drinks: Evidence-based Claims ———————————————————————————————————————————— 1. INTRODUCTION Drinks are an important and yet relatively under researched area of children's nutrition. The purpose of this report is to research on what the latest peer- reviewed evidence states about the health benefits of products such as Nutrient water, and to then to compare this literature to the health benefits of cow’s milk.By examining a range of recently published peer-reviewed journal articles on the topic of advantages and disadvantages of drinks which are evidence based claims, this report is an examination and comparison between nutrient water type drinks and cow’s milk. The report then concludes with a recommendation on how to make a good nutritional choice in which is best for children to consume. 2i. ADVANTAGES OF CHILDREN REGULARLY CONSUMING â€Å"NUTRIENT WATER†-TYPE DRINKSConsumers today want more from their beverages than merely good taste. In addition to nutrient water type drinks, energy drinks such as red bull, has continued to gain popularity among teenagers (Malinauskas et al. 2007, p. 2). Studies has shown that energy drinks provide the consumer with increased energy as shown in advertisements with the aid of caffeine by providing the desirable effects of increased alertness, improved memory, and enhanced mood (Oddy & O’Sullivan 2009, p. 4). Malinauskas et al. (2007, p. 6) states that through research, energy drink consumption is common among college students, particularly due to insufficient sleep, needing more energy in general, while studying for exams or working on major course projects and while dr iving an automobile for prolonged period. Guarana is an ingredient found in energy drinks, its functional claim is to increase energy, enhances physical performance, and promotes weight loss.There is scientific evidence to support this claim, major component of guarana is caffeine and caffeine consumption has been associated with increased energy, enhancement of physical performance, and suppressed appetite (Scholey & Kennedy 2004, p. 321). 2ii. DISADVANTAGES OF CHILDREN REGULARLY CONSUMING â€Å"NUTRIENT WATER†-TYPE DRINKS Caffeine has been found to have detrimental health consequences.At moderate intakes, caffeine can enhance endurance performance and concentration in adults, but when consumed in larger doses, caffeine can cause anxiety, agitation, sleeplessness, gastrointestinal problems, and arrhythmias (Oddy & O’Sullivan 2009, p. 64). Further, acute caffeine consumption reduces insulin sensitivity and increases mean arterial blood pressure. Central nervous system, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, and renal dysfunction have been associated with chronic caffeine ingestion. According to Clauson et al. (2008, p. 6) research has also shown that the high glucose content of energy drinks and other flavored enhanced beverages plays a considerable role in weight gain, which can lead to serious health consequences such as diabetes. In addition, Clauson et al. explains that deaths, new-onset seizures, manic episodes have been linked to ingestion of large amounts of energy drinks. Based on findings, consumption of energy drinks nor nutrient enhanced drinks by children is not recommended. 3i. ADVANTAGES OF CHILDREN REGULARLY CONSUMING COW’S MILK According to Popkin et al. (2006, p. 33) many beneficial, and some detrimental, health effects have been attributed to the consumption of cow’s milk. Furthermore, Popkin et al. (2006, p. 533) states that for children and adolescents, milk is the current key source of vitamin D and calcium and is an excellent source of high-quality protein. Cow’s milk consumption has several benefits. Watt, Dykes and Sheiham (2000, p. 14) explains that an adequate intake of calcium is needed to ensure development and maintenance of skeletal strength. Bone disorders such as osteoporosis are an increasing health problem which can be prevented with daily intake of ample quantity of milk.A recent study demonstrated that intake of milk in childhood and adolescence is associated with increased bone mass and density in adulthood (Kristensen et al. 2005, p. 1803). Pfeuffer and Schrezenmeir (2006, p. 113) states that recent observational studies confirm that the consumption of milk products can actually lower cholesterol levels, have reduced risk of protein malnutrition, fewer dental cavities, increased mineral content in children bones and fewer bone fractures. 3ii. DISADVANTAGES OF CHILDREN REGULARLY CONSUMING COW’S MILK According to Bell, Grochoski & Clarke (2006, p. 4) up until recent ly, the only reputed downside to consuming bovine milk and other dairy products were intolerances to lactose and allergies to milk protein. Furthermore, Bell, Grochoski & Clarke explains that despite its health bene? ts, the consumption of cow’s milk has come under scrutiny for its reported links to the risk of chronic diseases. According to Haug, Hostmark and Harstad ( 2007, p. 6) several studies has suggested that there is an association between milk consumption and blood pressure; as hypertension is inversely related to milk consumption in some epidemiological- and intervention studies.It has been suggested that some milk peptides have antihypertensive effects, both by inhibiting angiotensin-converting enzyme, having opoid-like activities, antithrombotic properties and by binding minerals. Experiments demonstrate that high calcium content of milk can interfere with a child’s absorption of iron, another mineral that is crucial for development. To ensure a child is no t iron deficient, it’s a good idea to avoid serving milk products and iron-rich foods in the same meal (Dewar 2009, p. 28). 4. CONCLUSION Drinks are an important and yet relatively under researched area of children's nutrition.This report has identified the advantages and disadvantages of children who are of 9 to 12 years of age regularly consuming â€Å"nutrient water-type drinks and cow’s milk. The impact of regularly consuming cow’s milk as opposed to energy drinks in addition to â€Å"nutrient water-type drinks† is expected to have positive health benefits such as the prevention of osteoporosis, increased bone mass and density, lower cholesterol levels, reduced risk of protein malnutrition, fewer dental cavities, increased mineral content in children bones and fewer bone fractures. . RECOMMENDATION From the above mentioned peer-reviewed evidence-based discussion, we recommend that children and adolescents of 9 years of age and older group should cons ume 3 cups per day of fat-free or low-fat milk or equivalent milk products instead as compared with the nutrient enhanced water in addition to energy drinks. Based on findings, consumption of energy drinks nor nutrient enhanced drinks by children is not recommended as the ingredient found in those drinks might lead to adverse effects and possibly death in case of over consumption.Patients with clinically relevant underlying medical conditions, including heart disease, should consult their physician before drinking energy drinks. The prevalence of childhood obesity is increasing, and switching from whole milk to low-fat or fat-free milk has been suggested as one way to reduce children’s intake of excess fat and calories. Diets rich in milk products can reduce the risk of low bone mass throughout the life cycle. The consumption of milk products is especially essential for children and adolescents who are building their peak bone mass and developing lifelong habits.Although each of these food groups may have a different relationship with disease outcomes, the adequate consumption of all food groups contributes to overall health. 6. REFERENCE LIST Bell, S Grochoski, G Clarke, A 2006,’Health implications of milk containing beta-casein with the A2 genetic variant’, Critical Reviews In Food Science and Nutrition, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 93-100, retrieved 4 September 2011, MEDLINE with Full Text, EBSCOhost.Bellisle, F Thornton, SN Hebel, P Denizeau, M Tahiri, M 2010, ‘A study of fluid intake from beverages in a sample of health French children, adolescents and adults’, European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vol. 64, no. 4, pp, 350-335, retrieved 4 September 2011, < http://web. ebscohost. com. ezproxy-m. deakin. edu. au/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer? sid=f8b1289f-91ba-4e4e-8772-649a62a3cb1e%40sessionmgr111&vid=2&hid=106>. Binns, C Graham, K Scott, J & Oddy, W 2007, ‘Infants who drink cow milk: A cohort study’, Journal of Paediatr ics & Child Health, vol. 3, no. 9, pp. 607-610, retrieved 21 August 2011, . Black, R Williams, S Jones, I & Goulding, A 2002,’Children who avoid drinking cow milk have low dietary calcium intakes and poor bone health’, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vol. 76, no. 3, pp. 675-680, retrieved 4 September 2011, MEDLINE with Full Text, EBSCOhost. Cecil, J Palmer, C Wrieden, W Murrie, I Bolton-Smith, C Watt, P Wallis, D & Hetherington, M 2005, ‘Energy intakes of children after preloads: adjustment, not Compensation 1-3’, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 302-308, retrieved 19 August 2011, . Clauson, K Shields, K McQueen, C & Persad, N 2008,’Safety issues associated with commercially avalibale energy drinks’, Journal Of The American Pharmacists Association: Japha, vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 55, retrieved 5 September 2011, MEDLINE with Full Text, EBSCOhost. Crowley, E Williams, L Roberts, T Jones, P & Dunstan, R 2008, â⠂¬ËœEvidence for a role of cow’s milk consumption in chronic functional constipation in children: Systematic review of the literature from 1980 to 2006’, Nutrition & Dietetics, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 29-35, retrieved 21 August 201l, . Haug, A Hostmark, A Harstad, O 2007,’Bovine milk in human nutrition-a review’, Lipids in Health And Disease, vol. 6, pp. 25, retrieved 4 September 2011, MEDLINE with Full Text, EBSCOhost. 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Tuesday, July 30, 2019

A New House Readiness Essay

When making a decision to purchase a new house, one of the economic principles which one must consider will be that people face tradeoffs. If one decides to purchase a new house, he or she will need to give up things such as a holiday, new truck or what they eat which the same amount of money can purchase. In this case, one will need to weigh the priorities. For example, purchasing a new house may make travelling to school and local services more convenient, however it will require one to give up the purchase of a new car which makes travelling to work more inconvenient. Depending on what the decision maker feels is more important, he or she will decide for or against the decision to purchase the house. One of the principles of economics states that trade can make everyone better off. When trade flourishes, it results in a greater purchasing power. In such a case, marginal costs appear small owing to a better purchasing power among people. In this situation, marginal benefits exceed marginal costs and it would be a good idea to purchase the new house Another economic principle which one should consider will be to think at the margin. This will involve weighing marginal benefits and costs of the decision. In this case, marginal benefits of purchasing the house will be its close proximity which will be close to schools and local services. In addition purchasing a new house will provide cleaner, larger and newer space which will improve living conditions. However, marginal costs will include that of lowering one’s disposable income which will lower their ability to purchase other goods such as baby food necessary for the growth of the child. The marginal costs and benefits of the decision to purchase a house will depend on the other factors such as income level. When income level is low, purchasing a new house will greatly affect the disposable income and purchasing power of the decision-maker, hence it is more likely that the person make the decision against purchasing a new house.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Koolhaas and metabolist movement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Koolhaas and metabolist movement - Essay Example architecture's most-reproduced forms and structures: the giraffe-legged Villa dall'Ava in suburban Paris, one of the greatest buildings of the late twentieth century, and the stupendous fishnet-steel-and-glass-covered Seattle Public Library, which opened in 2004. Some of his best works in Europe are the master plan and Grand Palais for Lille, France which is his largest realized urban planning project; a residence in Bordeaux, France; the Educatorium, a multifunction building for Utrecht University in the Netherlands; and the Kunsthal, providing exhibition space, a restaurant and auditoriums in Rotterdam. The Bordeaux house is one of his most important works and was named as Best Design of 1998 by Time magazine. It was designed to fill the needs of a couple whose old house was problematic to the old man as had been confined to a wheel chair due to an accident. Koolhaas proposed a home in three parts with the lowest part having a series of caverns carved out from the hill. While the top part is divided into spaces for the couple, and spaces for their children. The middle part is an invisible glass room that is a vertically moving platform functioning as an elevator allowing the old man access to all levels. In the 1950s, the Japanese Metabolists proposed giant mega-structures as an answer to the ever-growing problem of overcrowding in their cities. These architects came up with innovative designs of floating cities and giant prefabricated "plug-in" living cells that could be inserted into skyscrapers. But due to the scale and reality constraints Metabolist vision could not be realized completely. They regarded the city as an organic process that featured some of the innovative concepts such as marine civilization, artificial terrain, and metabolic cycle.... Koolhaas was fond of the "Megastructure" concept. This is basically a large size building or plan meant for urban improvement. His company OMA applied Megastructure for its designs for a vast complex of shops, housing, and offices, together with a railway station, in Lille, France or Lille Masterplan.Metabolists used the concept of the natural flows of air, water, and people in cities. They conceptualized biomorphic mega structures capturing and materializing urban flows. In 1961, Kenzo Tange’s studio proposed a plan for Tokyo Bay that clearly illustrates the principles of metabolism. The project comprised of a spine, or trunk, and an array of branches and leaves that together formed a clear tree-like structure. In the same year, Kurokawa produced a series of utopian projects inspired by biological forms and a process of growth representing that of living cells. At the same period, Isosaki developed his project â€Å"City in the Air† as a system of urban intersections a nd interconnections in the air, providing a grand structure supported by infrastructural trunks, like a forest of trees. Each trunk affords commercial and residential plugins like those found in Peter Cook’s â€Å"Plug-in City†. Metabolist architecture shows a tilt towards the evolutive, and irreversible, development of cities. Their projects were inspired by the natural movements of air, water, corporeal fluids and plants, but had a very formal and functional conception of urbanism.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Assignment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Assignment - Research Paper Example These people strive to gain more power upon the work setup and are best motivated by roles that require them to execute their leadership skills. The third need identified by McClelland is the need for affiliation. People who have this as the most important need are called as the n-aff people. These people seek to make friends in the workplace. The more they socialize, the more they are motivated for work. Putting these people in roles in which they feel isolated makes them lose motivation for work. Although the behavior of workers is a mix of all these needs, yet one of the three governs an individual’s behavior. This theory raises numerous new challenges for the managers. First of all, managers don’t have an objective means to confirm whether the three needs identified by the McClelland’s theory are sufficient to represent all needs. Some people value job security and salary more than power, affiliation or achievement. Even if managers assume that the McClelland ’s theory is sufficient to represent all needs, they don’t have a robust means to identify the way they are combined in different workers. In order to keep them motivated, managers need to be sure that a certain worker values certain need more than others. Then, there is no means to be sure that an individual’s need-combination would not alter with time. After all, people’s preferences in life keep changing from time to time. An individual who values power more than anything else at a certain point in time may start to value achievement more later on. Our likes and preferences are shaped by our daily life experiences. Hence, there is a lot of flexibility in out choice of needs. All these factors render it very difficult for a manager to address the individualistic needs of people and make them remain motivated for work. In this research, I tend to bring answers to the aforementioned doubts by exploring people’s needs in a certain work

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Metaphysics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Metaphysics - Essay Example Although, eventually Plato's philosophical ideas could have laid the groundwork to influence the formulation of the idea of metaphysics (Walsh 1963, 34), the attempt to explain the ultimate causes and underlying nature of things, matter. The vast array of philosophers and philosophies conceptualizing the ultimate causes and underlying nature of things, familiarly known as metaphysics would most likely believe that the theory was grounded on the basic principles of Socrates rather than on his subsequent followers who had been his students. Obviously, this could be taken along the logic of passing on body of knowledge regarding metaphysics concepts by educators to students. One good way to view Socrates theory on the nature of matter is to see what were the principles developed by his successor along the ultimate causes and underlying nature of things, metaphysics. For example, according to Walsh (1963, 20), Plato expressed the idea that 'wisdom and understanding could come only if men would abandon belief for knowledge'. Obviously, this practice would engage an aggressive separation with what went before as a way of life (Walsh, 1963, 20). It also includes doing away with past behaviors. As well, it meant doing away with traditional views. Additionally, this would call for a battery of restraint.

Understanding the bible Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Understanding the bible - Essay Example The books of Kings were originally written by many people from the oral as well as the written traditions. In the written tradition, we should also include the palace annals including the Book of the Acts of Solomon, the Book of the Annals of the Kings of Israel. An extended narrative called the Succession Narrative about David’s reign might have contributed heavily towards the first two chapter of the beginning of the book. The story of Elijah, as well as that of his disciple Elisha, was originally oral. The book must have taken its form mainly during the eighth century BC and late seventh century BC. The book of Kings may be considered to be a part of the Deuteronomical history, including books of Joshua, Judges and Samuel. This is because the style of writing followed in the book is mainly as that of Deuteronomy. The book of kings is narrative, historiographical and didactical in nature. It tells the story, not the complete history and also tries to teach us its version of the Truth. The story gives importance on how and when such and such a monarch ruled, how he failed or succeeded in following the path of Israel [and Judah] as the chosen people of God, how they fought and won or faced defeat . The didacticism lies in reiterating that The Lord God of Israel is the only God and he controlled the weather, the whole of creation and history. The prophets describe the future before God brings it about. It is He and not the kings, or prophets or even the gods that the kings worship who is in control. This is the main theme of the two books of Kings (Coogan, Brettler, Newsom, & Pheme, 2007.). Another repeating theme in the book is that the wrongdoer is always punished. The image of God here is that of a judge and crimes are always punished. Even though the judgment may get held up but in time, without repentance it gradually comes upon the sinner [I kings 21. 25-28.] The books of Kings come right after the books of

Friday, July 26, 2019

Business Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Business Strategy - Essay Example t size, market growth rate, market share as well as market segmentation, clearly, all these are the strength that are enjoyed more by Merck company as compared to the competitor. The company needs to reexamine the top-down aspect in relation to bottom up perspectives as it operation strategy. The decisions that are made by the organization from the top are very important for the company (Hynes, Michael, 23). In order to be able to set general direction for the company, and ultimately influence the overall strategy of the company, then there is a need to interpret clearly the functional areas of the company, including operations, finances as well as marketing. Another very critical area that needs to be explored by the Merck Company is to balance the market requirement and the operations resources. The strategy that has been adopted by Merck needs to examine and reflect on what the company is actually doing in relation to what the market requires. From the analysis, the company is much focused on cost than any other

Thursday, July 25, 2019

To what extent where the efforts made by the Le Chambon Village in Essay

To what extent where the efforts made by the Le Chambon Village in France (Protestant Church- Pastor Andre Trocme) succesful in - Essay Example Post World War II the Nazi leaders focused their attention on the permanent removal of the Jewish population from Germany as well as from the entire Europe. Initially the German authorities launched ‘ghettos’ where all the Polish, German, Austrian and Czech Jews were deported to these ‘ghettos’. ‘Ghettos’ were districts where the Jewish population was segregated from other communities and were forced to live in miserable conditions. Building ghettos was a temporary measure taken by the German authorities. But very soon long term methods of abolishing the Jewish pollution were adopted by Hitler. Initially German armed forces conducted a shooting operation on the Jews. Very soon gas vans comprising of poisonous carbon monoxide was introduced by the German police. In the year 1939 Hitler implemented ‘Final Solution’ to assassinate millions of Jews in Europe by the help of poison gas, shooting and other means, â€Å" the vision of the Final Solution- a program aimed at murdering every last Jew in the German grasp- had crystallized in the minds of the Nazi leadership and was henceforth being turned into reality.† (Browning, 424) During the Holocaust in Europe under Hitler’s regime, France offered some hope by resisting this barbaric act of Final Solution. France was ruled by the powerful Vichy government. The government adopted measures to protect the Jews from the Germans. Telephone workers who worked under the instruction of the Vichy authorities intercepted messages and the railway workers developed a resistant group against the German’s to protect the Jews from been killed. The people of the Le Chambon Village in France under the leadership of Pastor Andre Trocme along with the help of other powerful leaders and government and by following the ideology of the Protestant Movement were able to rescue the lives of many Jews. In the year 1939, France had the maximum number of Jewish population than any other state in the entire European continent. In the year 1940, the Jews were deported to the unoccupied zone of France that was ruled by the Vichy government under the supervision of the Nazi army. The Jews travelled to the Vichy France in a hope to get protection from the Germans. But the Jews had to face fierce discriminations in the Vichy France as were prevalent in Germany. After France faced defeat in the hands of German, the German authorities shifted their focus and attention on the matters related to the possibilities of defeat of Britain and Russia in War. The Jews, who were residing in the Vichy France, were temporarily relieved from the wrath of the Nazis. The prevention methods adopted by the Vichy France had no intention of murdering the Jews. In the Vichy France, discriminations of the Jews were highly prevalent especially in the employment sectors. People of pure French origin were only eligible for the public sector jobs. The Jews were forced to hand over t heir residence to the Vichy government. The Jews who were residing in France for longer period of time were expected to be assimilated in the French nation. In the Wannsee Conference that was held in Berlin to solve the Jewish question new strategies and decisions were taken about the Jews in a form of final solution. During the Holocaust in France, a small village called Le Chambon-sur-lignon in France protected the lives of nearly five thousand Jews by providing shelter to them. France

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Nursing and decision making in mental health nursing Essay

Nursing and decision making in mental health nursing - Essay Example While admitted as a patient in the mental health facility, Jo actually showed signs of improvement in that his emotional state grew more balanced and he showed signs of functioning as an ordinary person even though he was not given any medicine. He also regularly participated in discussions with the professionals and seemed to understand the methods to use so as to restrain his emotions when he experienced stressful occurrences in the outside world. Jo appeared to be on his way to full recovery when he was suddenly visited by two friends the evening after he had returned from his leave. The friends appeared to be in possession of cannabis as well as knives. When some of Jo’s fellow patients, who were in the same room in which Jo sat with his visiting friends, reported this to the nurses that they had heard about a prospective fight, they were removed from the room and Jo’s friends left even without being asked to. Soon after, Jo demanded to be allowed to leave the ward. Against the advice and suggestions of the nurses that he remain, he insisted and was then allowed to leave. Owing to the fact that the member of staff was anxious that Jo would return with weapons to the ward, they asked him to discharge himself before leaving. The authorities also informed the police of the presence of Jo’s friends and the fact that they were in possession of cannabis and knives before they left the ward. A Key Decision within the Case When a nurse is faced with a decision to make between harbouring a potentially destructive client or revealing his or her intentions to law enforcement authorities, the nurse is usually faced with the problem of having to decide whether to protect the other patients and respecting the rights of the patient who is showing the potential for causing harm to himself or others (Antonius, Fuchs, Herbert, Kwon, Fried, Burton, Straka, Levin, Caligor, and Malaspina 2010). In normal circumstances, the nurse would merely discuss the pat ient’s concerns with him or her and then offer advice on how best to tackle feelings of hopelessness and destruction before they could become unmanageable. The nurse will only consider the possibility of letting other people know about the problems of her patient if he or she refuses to take the advice that is being offered (Fiscella 2004). By letting her supervisors or even law enforcement authorities know about a client’s threats to cause harm to others, the nurse is actually violating the patient’s confidentiality (Wolf, Lehman, Quinlin, Rosenszweig, Friede, Zullo and Hoffman 2008). In this case, it can be said that the decision to inform the police of the presence of Jo’s friends and subsequent request to Jo to discharge himself from the ward when he insisted on accompanying his knife and cannabis carrying friends, is the key decision. Even though the Jo was begged to stay in the ward by the nurses, he insisted on going after his friends who had openl y spoken about a fight that was going to happen. The Ethical, Legal, Political and Professional Issues that are Related to this Key Decision Professional: In psychiatric practice, patients can make the choice to refuse treatment even if it may actually improve their lives. This means that Jo was merely exercising his rights by refusing to remain at the ward even when he was asked to remain by nurses who were worried that exposure to reckless characters would merely

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Dell's E-Marketing Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Dell's E-Marketing - Case Study Example Some of the products offered by the company include; televisions, peripherals, software, network switches, servers, data storage devices and the most common product; its Personal computers. (United States Securities and Exchange Commission, 2008) In order to get to such a position, it was essential to employ sound internet technologies and e-marketing principles. The paper will be an examination of how Dell Inc. and other companies have employed internet technologies and a forecast of the future of these technologies will also be analysed. Dell has employed internet technologies in virtually all spheres of its business processes. (Dedrick, 2007) First of all, the company has offered a series of services that are based on internet technologies and some of them include; Dell On Call is a service that largely dwells on the elimination of threats to data storage through viruses or spyware. In order to manage this service, the company communicates to its consumers regularly through the internet. (Koehn, 2001) Additionally, the process of eradicating those viruses and spyware is made possible by internet technologies. The Dell Support Centre is closely associated to the former mentioned service. However, in this particular area, more emphasis is given to hardware purchasers within the company. (Dedrick, 2007) The company formed this alternative after the realisation that most of their consumers were highly in need of accessing information about their purchases or the devices that they had already bought. Upon visiting this company's support website, one is likely to see the following divisions; Drivers and downloads, technical support, order status and customer service. Under the drivers and downloads section, consumers can get assistance about drivers and downloads that they are dealing with. Under the technical support section, one is likely to find the tag 'I need to solve a technical problem' (Dell Support Homepage, 2008). Under the order status section, consumers who want to find out how soon they will receive their products can be helped. Lastly, under the customer service section, consumers can ask for more information about the product that they have purchased. (Kraemer, 2002) All these options go a long way in enhancing the purchasing experience within this company. The first thing that one needs to note is the fact that their support system is located on the internet. This can be deduced by the fact that they have a homepage. Additionally, the entire process of dealing with a problem is handled across the internet hence promoting communications between them. Through the 'chatting via online' alternative in their Support Homepage, Dell can ensure that all the questions their clients have about their products are adequately solved. Besides that, there is a forum for interacting with other consumers in this website. The company has also broken down the kind of assistance offered so that consumers can get direct access to experts in a certain area. For instance, when a consumer is in need of fixing the wireless local area network, then they can go to the wireless networking support section, if they need to increase their antivirus settings, then they can go to the security spyware section. All these pieces of information are valuable on-line to boost consumer experiences. (Halderman et al, 2008) The Dell Business Support

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Good, The Bad And The m ouldy Essay Example for Free

The Good, The Bad And The m ouldy Essay Introduction: In 2008 a YouTube video of a lady displaying a McDonald’s cheeseburger which she had kept for 4 years, went viral. A normal McDonald’s cheeseburger which had been exposed to the elements had kept in the same state for 4 years. No mould or mildew was found on the meat patty, the only thing that was slightly wrong was the burger bun which had become stale and was beginning to crumble. The composer of the video then compared McDonald’s fries which had been around for 4 years, to sliced potatoes which had been cut 3 months ago. The McDonalds fries were perfectly intact, they still had an oily, salty and greasy feel. However, the potato cuttings were covered in mould and were incredibly hard and in an attempt to snap them in half, they did not flex at all. If ‘real’ potatoes aged like that, why wouldn’t McDonald’s fries (the main ingredient being potatoes). This leads to the main experiment, if a McDonald’s burger doesn’t age, would a burger from home prepared ingredients be any different? My experiment consists of purchasing a regular McDonalds cheeseburger and then preparing a homemade cheeseburger using the same ingredients. The homemade burger must have the same dimensions as the McDonalds burger and share the same characteristics. For example, the weight of the McDonalds beef patty must be equivalent to that of the butcher-bought patty for the homemade burger. As all McDonalds patties are frozen, the butcher patty must be cooked in advance, frozen and then defrosted on the day of the burger preparation. The McDonalds burger will be purchased within the same hour as the homemade burger will be prepared. Even though an hour is an insignificant amount of time, I do not wish for the results to be altered in any way. The two burgers will be placed in two identical containers for 30 days. The burgers will be monitored every day and must only be handled with gloves on. Once the 30 days are up, the two will be weighed and examined to see if there are any changes to either burger. Depending on whether or not the McDonalds burger decays, I plan to conduct a survey and propose the question to 20 – 30 people â€Å"If cost was excluded from the equation, would you purchase a McDonalds burger over a burger from a takeaway shop made with reliable ingredients? † This question will be asked before the experiment takes place and once again after the 30 days. References: Adriana Velez, (January 3, 2013), Cheeseburger That Stayed Exactly the Same After a Whole Year Raises Alarm, http://thestir. cafemom. com/food_party/130975/cheeseburger_that_stayed_exactly_the * More to be decided for further research Aim: To determine whether a home-prepared cheeseburger will be in the same state as a McDonald’s cheeseburger after 30 days. Hypothesis: The burger made from natural ingredients will show signs of decomposition as opposed to the McDonalds burger which I believe will stay in the same state (based on previous research). Variables: Independent Variable – The burgers used for the experiment. One will be purchased from McDonalds, the other will be prepared at home, using butchers meat and store bought ingredients. *Note: Different cooking oils may be used to prepare the meat patty Dependent Variable – The amount of days which the two burgers will under examination (30 days). Also the weight of the two beefs patties before and after the experiment. Controls – The two containers in which the burgers will be situated. They will be in the same environment (a dark room). The two burgers must weigh the same and have the same portion of ingredients. Risk Assessment: Whilst preparing the homemade burger, proper cautions must be taken to avoid injury. Following proper safety guidelines while using the stove to prepare the patty is most important. As the experiment goes on, touching the burgers for examination will be required. Proper safety gloves must be worn to prevent any form of mildew or mould from making contact with the skin. Equipment List: * McDonalds cheeseburger (freshly cooked) * Ingredients for homemade burger (butcher’s meat, cheese slice, tomato sauce, chopped onion, burger bun, pickles) * Cooking utensils (frying pan, spatula). * Two identical air-tight containers * Safety gloves * Scales * Camera * Journal (to document observations) Method: Step 1: Prepare homemade burger using listed ingredients and freeze for 2 to 3 days. Step 2: Defrost burger, cook patty and purchase a plain McDonalds cheeseburger. Step 3: Place burgers in two separate airtight containers and place in a location which each container receives an equal amount of light, heat, etc. Step 4: Conduct a survey by proposing the question â€Å"If cost was excluded from the equation, would you purchase a McDonalds burger over a burger from a takeaway shop made with reliable ingredients?† to 20 – 30 people. Step 5: Observe the two burgers each day for 30 days, taking note of any change. (Handle only with safety gloves) Step 6: Collect findings and present results. Step 7: Briefly outline results to the same 20 – 30 people who were surveyed and ask them whether their views have changed at all. Step 8: Research the health benefits of home prepared meat as opposed to commercial, processed meats. Results: Photos and descriptions of the burgers will be presented in the form of a journal. Weight of the burgers will be presented in a line graph designed in Microsoft Excel.

Sensibility comparision Essay Example for Free

Sensibility comparision Essay Women have been struggling to prove themselves to society for centuries, yet many people today, living in the twenty-first century still think that women arent equal to men. The society one lives in defines a womens role and status and for many years society has always defined women to be too weak and overly sentimental. William Shakespeares Othello and Jane Austens Sense and Sensibility show that despite women continuously fighting for their rights, they still find themselves in the same position after two hundred years. Othello was written in the sixteenth century whereas Sense and Sensibility was written in the eighteenth century, yet the women of both texts struggle to be considered equal to men. Othellos Desdemona and Emilia are obligated to be obedient towards their husbands in order to be considered loyal and of high stature. If women are unmarried they are to be obedient to their fathers as they are considered to be their fathers property. Likewise Sense and Sensibilitys Elinor and Marianne are obliged to find husbands of good fortune in order to live a comfortable life as they are not given the opportunity to earn their own fortune. Throughout Sense and Sensibility Elinor and Marianne are imposed by society to find a husband even though they are not even adults yet. The societies the women of the play Othello by William Shakespeare and the novel Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen live in, compel them to cope with the mistreatment of women and overcome it with regards to their contemporary society. The women in both texts are forced to behave as is expected of them in order to fit into their societies. In Othello Desdemona personifies an oppressed woman who admits to being obedient to her husband, I am obedient. (III. iii. 99). Throughout the play Desdemona follows her husbands orders, despite his insults towards her. She continues to be a dutiful wife when he commands her to go to bed and till the end where she accepts his decision to kill her. The Venetian society Desdemona was raised in has taught her to be submissive and dutiful. She acknowledges her role as an obedient wife and decides to follow what is asked of her by society. Furthermore Emilia also chooses to follow her role in Venetian Society in spite of her being an arguably stronger character than Desdemona. Tis proper I obey him, but not now. (V. ii. 233). Towards the end when she chooses to reveal Iagos acts she still feels the need to justify herself and explain why she is going against her husband. From the very start of the play Emilia does various things to please her husband, without trying to find out his true intentions. She is blinded by her role to be obedient towards him and does everything in her power to depict a perfect wife. Similarly in Sense and Sensibility women also try to conduct themselves in a proper way in order to be accepted by society. Elinor Dashwood portrays a woman of proper demeanour in the eighteenth century. She is careful not to hurt anyone, in spite of their narcissistic characteristics. The pleasantness of an employment does not always evince its propriety. (Jane Austen, 39). Elinor explains to her sister that how polite you are shouldnt always depend on how good ones company is. Being the eldest daughter, Elinor abides to having proper manners and takes on the role of the man of the house, making sure the small amount of money they have is being spent wisely. In order to be accepted by society Elinor also refuses to show her affection for Edward Ferrars knowing the reaction she would get from the people in her society. She knows she must be careful to not let her reputation get tainted if she wants to be accepted by her friends and relatives. Just like Desdemona, Elinor is very selfless and sensible as she cares more about the people around her than herself. These attributes are significant as to why both these characters are well liked in their society. Just as Desdemona is obedient to her husband, Elinor is obedient to her family. Furthermore Marianne Dashwood is another woman who is also forced to behave to the liking of the society in which she lives. Unlike Elinor it is more difficult for Marianne to portray an ideal woman due to her being more frank and caring for things other than being liked by the society. It was impossible for her to say what she did not feel, however trivial the occasion; and upon Elinor, therefore, the whole task of telling lies, when politeness required it, always fell. (Jane Austen, 68). Mariannes thoughts express how she feels obligated to be polite to others because of her sister, who encourages her to be polite in order for their family to have a good reputation in their society. Marianne believes that being polite is just telling lies to a person in order for them to like you. Although she does not like how the people in her society think Marianne must accept the fact that she must fit into her society and in order to do so she tries to behave in a respectful manner towards others. Both Marianne and Emilia are forced to be someone they are not. It is easier for Desdemona and Elinor to be passive women but Emilia and Marianne have more personality that comes in their way of portraying the type of women accepted in their society. Regardless, Emilia and Marianne force themselves to follow the conduct of women of their society. Desdemona, Emilia, Elinor and Marianne all must behave like courteous ladies and conceal their passion and frustration in order to be a part of their society. Not only does the society force them to behave a certain way, women are also taken advantage of and mistreated. In Othello Iago wants to get revenge from Othello for allegedly sleeping with his wife by sleeping with Desdemona. For that I do suspect the lusty Moor Hath leapd into my seat; the thought whereof Doth, like a poisonous mineral, gnaw my inwards; And nothing can or shall content my soul, Till I am evend with him, wife for wife. (II. i. 317-321). To Iago women are just possessions which is why he does not take into consideration the feelings of Emilia and Desdemona while planning his revenge. Iago knows that there is not much that Emilia and Desdemona can do because of the limitations Venetian society places on them. Therefore he continues to treat his wife with disrespect and plot to make Othello think that Desdemona has committed adultery. Moreover Othello mistreats his wife by killing her at the end . Yet she must die, else shell betray more men. (V. ii. 6). He plots to kill Desdemona because he thinks she has committed infidelity. He continues with his plan even when Desdemona states that she has been loyal to him. Othello is blinded by Iagos manipulative acts and cannot see right from wrong. Him not believing in Desdemona over Iago shows how Othellos mind has been affected by society into believing a mans say is more important that a womans. Correspondingly women in Sense and Sensibility are also uncared for by men. Willoughby is a prime example of a man who mistreats women. He is a heartless womanizer who seduces Eliza, Colonel Brandons foster daughter and then easily moves on to Marianne. Careless of her happiness, thinking only of my own amusement, giving way to feelings which I had always been too much in the habit of indulging, I endeavoured, by every means in my power, to make myself pleasing to her, without any design of returning her affections. (Jane Austen, 173-174). Willoughby confesses to Elinor that he never had any intentions of falling in love with Marianne and he admits to have been a Casanova in the past. Throughout the novel Willoughby mistreats women and uses them for his pleasures. He is driven by society to please women but not care for them and at the end his flawed propensity leads him to being punished by not being able to be with the one he loves. Similar to Othellos Iago Willoughby does not think highly of women. Both Iago and Willoughby are villains of the story because of their harsh behaviour towards women. Although Iago shows no remorse for hurting women whereas Willoughby regrets his dishonesty towards the women in his life, they both are still seen to be of the same nature because of their characters being so deceptive towards women. Furthermore Elinor is also a victim of mistreatment. She now found that, in spite of herself, she had always admitted a hope, while Edward remained single, that something would occur to prevent his marrying Lucy. But he was now married; and she condemned her heart for the lurking flattery which so much heightened the pain of the intelligence. (Jane Austen, 194). Elinors thoughts express how hurt she is by the news of the her loves marriage. Edward Ferrars is someone the reader would least expect to hurt a woman but his loyalty towards Lucy Steele and unplanned love for Elinor lead him to having to choose between the two women. Knowing that either way he will hurt someone, he chooses to be with Lucy in order to be keep the promise of marrying her and not be hated by society for leaving her. One cannot help but blame Edward for leading Elinor on and not letting her know about his engagement with Lucy. Although Othellos killing Desdemona is very extreme compared to Edwards choosing Lucy over Elinor, both characters invoke catharsis in the audience because of the situation the characters find themselves in. Othello is driven to kill Desdemona because of his role in society and what society might think of him if they were to find out that his wife has cheated on him. Edward is driven to leave Elinor because of his engagement to Lucy which is persisted because society would not accept a broken engagement. In both cases the role society plays coerces both men to mistreat women they love and care for. Othello and Iagos treatment towards Desdemona and Emilia and Willoughby and Edwards treatment toward the Dashwood sisters are illustrations of they can be compelled to behave a certain way because their thoughts are driven by the beliefs of society. Though the women in Othello and Sense and Sensibility have to deal with living in a sexist society they are still able to overcome it through their emotional strength. Desdemonas obedience towards Othello does not blind her of how much power she has over him. My lord shall never rest; Ill watch him tame and talk him out of patience; His bed shall seem a school, his board a shrift; Ill intermingle everything he does with Cassios suit. Therefore be marry, Cassio, For thy solicitor shall rather die than give thy cause away. (III. iii. 24-30). Desdemona tells Cassio how she shall continue to pester Othello until he is given his lieutenancy back. She is aware that she has a fair bit of control over Othello and she uses this to her advantage when trying to help Cassio. Desdemona does not let society hold her back from showing that she has a voice and that her say in a situation is important to her husband. Emilia also prevails as a strong women by defying Iago, in spite of society judging her for going against her husband. No, I will speak as liberal as the north. Let heaven and men and devils, let them all, all, all cry shame against me, yet Ill speak. (V. ii. 261-263). Emilia chooses to speak up against her husband and reveal him for the evil person he truly is because he has just caused her mistress death. She no longer cares for what society thinks of her as it is more important for her to prove Desdemonas innocence. You see Emilia at her strongest point in the play as she fights for Desdemona and herself, revealing the true strength of women and their ability to rise against men and society. Likewise, Elinor is able rise over societys hardwired perception of women by accepting what society expects from her but still having a mind of her own. Her ability to hide her emotions from others is her greatest strength. Sense will always have attractions for me. (Jane Austen, 29). For Elinor sense is something that allows her to be a part of society and still have as many emotions as Marianne. Therefore she believes that she will always approach life with sense. This is Elinors way of overcoming society. From hiding her feelings about what she really thinks about the Steele sisters to hiding her love for Edward, Elinor is able to keep everybody guessing about her true character and what people should really think about her. Elinors approach of overcoming societys perception is similar to Desdemonas approach as they both take a more subtle path. Elinor and Desdemona both show an enormous amount of strength through their empowerment over people. Elinor is able to get information from people that she doesnt even expect to get by being silent and approachable. Desdemona is able to get Othello to see her as an important figure until Iagos manipulative acts part Othello from her. Elinor and Desdemona are both the voice of common sense in their texts as they rise above societys mentality about women through the power of wisdom. Marianne struggles to accept what society asks of her but by the end she is able to use her sister as an example to find her way from a world of over-romanticizing to a more realistic place. She was born to discover the falsehood of her own opinions, and to counteract, by her conduct, her most favourite maxims. She was born to overcome an affection formed so late in life as seventeen, and with no sentiment superior to strong esteem and lively friendship..! (Jane Austen, 206). Jane Austen describes how at the end Marianne learns from her mistakes of being excessively sentimental and is able to overcome societys perception of women by being more like her sister. Marianne is able to accept that Willoughby was not meant to be with her and that she was meant to be with Colonel Brandon. Marrying Colonel Brandon helps Marianne start life on a new note and accept what society asks of her but still have her own say in matters. For both Marianne and Emilia it takes more time to find a way to rise against society and still be a part of society at the same time. At first Marianne doesnt accept to be a part of society whereas Emilia decides to be obedient and try to be accepted by society. By the end both characters are able to learn from their mistakes and acquire a way to triumph over societys perception of women. Marianne is able overcome society by accepting what society expects of her and Emilia is able to rise above society by telling the truth about her husband, not caring about what society thinks of her. The women of Othello and Sense and Sensibility are able to prevail over society by acknowledging the standards society sets for women but accepting them to an extent that does not allow them to control how they think. The women in Othello and Sense and Sensibility accept the role society gives them regardless of the consequences, and at the end they are able to rise above society by proving how strong women are. Othellos Desdemona chooses to obey Othello as that is what society expects her to do, even though he physically and emotionally abuses her. However she is still able to prevail as a strong women through her empowerment over Othello. Emilia is an obedient wife to her husband because she wants to fit into society, despite him constantly neglecting her. Yet she is able to over throw her husband by revealing his evil acts. By doing this she is able to prove to society how strong women are as she dies protecting her friends honour. William Shakespeare depicts how even though society portrays women as irrelevant people during his time, they still have a great impact on the lives of men. Elinor takes a more restrained approach to fight societys beliefs of women. She accepts to behave as expected of her but does not allow that to change the way she thinks. As a result Elinor learns that she does not always need to approach everything with common sense and she is able to learn to let herself go sometimes. Marianne starts off being the opposite of Elinor, as her being younger and more emotional prevents her from understanding the necessity of being accepted by society. By the end she is able to accept her role in society but at the same time she does not let her sensibility go. Jane Austen shows how that even though there is parallel of both Dashwood sisters fighting society and trying to find love at the same, they both approach it differently and at the end they decide to embark the same route. Jane Austen depicts how a balance between sense and sensibility allows women in the eighteenth century to not only be a part of society but also have a more dominant role as a woman. Though there is a large difference in the period both these texts were written in, the women still struggle with the same problems. Living in the year two thousand and eleven, yes there has been some improvement in how women are treated but that hasnt changed the way men think. Women are still not strong enough or not brave enough in the minds of men. Its still rare for you to see a women as a president or prime minister. After centuries of fighting for their rights women still have a long way to go to prove their strength and capability to men and society.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Academic and professional work experience goal statement

Academic and professional work experience goal statement ACADEMIC PROFESSIONAL GOAL STATEMENT Valuable work experience has helped me to develop strong qualitative architectural expertise along with good leadership and communication skills. This has helped me to tackle complex issues in my field of work and gives me the confidence to pursue post graduate studies. I am Sruthi Maria George, currently working in an architectural consultants firm as a Junior Architect. With a strong desire to create artistic, creative and imaginative building structures, I chose Bachelor of Architecture for my under graduate studies. After completing my bachelors, my next step was to get a job in a challenging and dynamic environment and so I did find one as soon as I returned to my parents residing in United Arab Emirates. Throughout my work tenure so far, I have been working on challenging design projects which emphasized on creating healthy and eco-friendly buildings and environment. One of the major requirements to be fulfilled while planning and designing of the projects was the attainment of a ‘PEARL 2 rating, a class of sustainable approach known as ‘ESTIDAMA which consists of sustainable planning strategies. This field influenced me to know more about the environmental aspects in order to widen my knowledge and career skills. With the rise of disasters occurring around the world, we as humans need to be aware of the factors that lead to these natural calamities. A few environmental issues identified would be as follows: Global warming Climate change being recently observed is the main result of this global warming. The ozone layer of the earth being depleted with the increased use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in refrigerants, propellants and solvents, emission of carbon dioxide from burning of fossil fuels (petrol, diesel, kerosene) and other greenhouse gases. This degradation of the ozone layer affects the ultraviolet filtration of the suns radiation, causing the earths temperature to rise and having negative impacts on the living beings on earth. Energy exhaustion Tremendous use of non renewable sources such as fossil fuels, natural gas and coals over the years are being depleting and adverse effects on air quality causing human and environmental problems. These needs to be replaced with renewable sources of energy such as solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, biomass energies etc. Landfill waste With the increase in population and their activities, waste disposal is taking place on a higher rate. The adverse effects of this landfill wastes are pollution of the environment, emission of methane gases which is a greenhouse gas leading to the depletion of the ozone layer and other hazardous impact on the livings things and   the environment. This needs to be reduced by incorporating waste reduction and recycling strategies. Threat to ecosystems and endangered species Biodiversity enhances the productivity of the ecosystems. Threat to biodiversity leads to the destruction of the ecosystem, thus affecting the ecological pyramid and the food web. A recent article which caught my eyes, a killing game of dolphins and whales which takes place in Denmark by the local teens to show that they adults. These creatures have become near to extinction due to this. Deforestation Due to the increase in human population and their activities, conversion of forests to non- forest areas for development purpose is on a rise. This contributes to the increase of carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere, loss of biodiversity and soil erosion leading to natural calamities. Pollution Air pollution resulting from the burning of fossil fuels from vehicles and industries, hence affecting the environment and the health of humans. Contaminating water bodies by disposal of wastes leads to degradation of the ecosystem and human health issues. A masters degree in environmental studies would help me to become personally aware of the existing and future environmental issues arising in todays world. It would help me to understand the issues on a broader aspect of view and to resolve them by creating environmental friendly designs contributing to the wellness of the social economy and for the beneficial use of the future generations. The main environmental specialization that I would like to do is the studies on sustainable development as this combines the social, economic and environmental aspects. As this field, is going global and is one of the major considerations in todays world, specializing in this field would be of international standards and quality. University of Illinois is one of the few and reputable institutions in the world to offer an innovative course which combines environmental studies and sustainable development as a joint online program without having me to compromise on my current working status. Hence I sought to pursue my higher education here. If given a chance to pursue my post graduate studies in University of Illinois for Masters of Environmental studies specializing in sustainable development and policy, I would prove myself to be an asset by my hard work and dedication to the department and the university. Thanking you. Sincerely, Sruthi Maria George

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The True Author Of Shakespeares Works :: essays research papers

Who Was The True Author of Shakespeare’s Works?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The authenticity of Shakespeare’s works being those of William Shakespeare has long been debated. Many people and scholars have explored the possibility that maybe the many amazing plays and sonnets were possibly written by a man named Edward de Vere, the 17th Earl of Oxford. There is a good amount of evidence supporting the theory that this man may be the real â€Å"Shakespeare†, while on the other hand, it would be very difficult to deny the popular belief of William Shakespeare being who most people say he is. The thought of Edward de Vere being the author would change many aspects of our theatrical world today, and prove how influential word-of-mouth can be.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  According to popular belief, William Shakespeare was an amazing writer. His real name was William Shakspere. With works from Hamlet to Othello to the well-known Romeo and Juliet, his plays have been adapted many times over. The themes that were in his dramas have recurred many times in movies, plays, and other performances since they were first performed in the 1600’s.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  William Shakspere was the son of John Shakspere, a glover, trader, and landowner. William grew up in a town called Stratford, England, and he went to a school called King’s New School. It is believed that all of Shakespeare’s education was received at that school. He grew up and married a woman named Ann Hathaway when he was 18, and they had 3 children. It is said that he moved to London and joined an acting troupe soon after his children were born. He wrote plays for the troupe and became very successful. That is the extent of the information about Shakspere, and there are very little records about any other known history.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Edward de Vere was a renowned gentleman, as well as the 17th Earl of Oxford. He had earned two Master’s Degrees before he was seventeen years old, and also was very proficient in classics and French. In 1575, Oxford won the Queen's permission to tour the Continent. He visited Paris, Verona, Rome, Venice and Padua, among other cities, which would have given him descriptions for detail apparent in The Two Gentlemen of Verona, Romeo and Juliet and The Merchant of Venice. He was very familiar with upper class society, but knew very little about the lower classes, besides what he heard or observed. He loved to write plays and was an amazing poet according to accounts in recovered letters written by his acquaintances.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Soft Money in Economics :: essays papers

Soft Money in Economics With each election cycle rolling around every 4 years, the various political parties, especially the Republican and Democratic parties, are setting new records for campaign contributions and raising higher and higher amounts of money toward their goals. It seems elected officials spend more and more time on fundraising and less time on working for the people they are sworn to serve! Now what is wrong with that picture? Does the phrase "We have the best government money can buy," mean what it says? If it did, our nation would be in serious trouble. Only  ¼ of 1% of the people give 80% of all campaign contributions. These special interest groups and wealthy individuals are controlling the people's government. Whether the issues are concerned over the military, education, Medicare, or Middle East issues, individuals like you and me have little or no say in what should be done to correct the situation. Soft money and the whole campaign finance reform issue is a very big concern to our economy. Yes it does have a more political stance then an economic stance but it will affect the regular hard working families of our nation. Have you ever taken the time to actually read the U.S. tax codes? If not, you are very lucky. It's a huge mess and hardly readable, but there is a reason why you can't read it. Former Sen. Wyche Fowler (D-Georgia) once said, " [E]very single interest that comes to you has got a special private interest where they are seeking to get subsidized, through the tax code†¦" Tax bills are a good place to hide those special legislative favors congressmen and women receive when they are elected. With the money donated from insurance industries, health professionals, and law firms and a huge amount of special interest groups, the resulting factor ends up being a tax system skewed toward big-money interests. How will this affect your standard of living? Well†¦lets look at the something everyone has problems with and that is oil and gas prices. The gas industry is a very generous industry for politicians and in turn very prosperous in reaping the benefits. In the '98 election cycle, ga s companies gave over $22 million in soft money contributions. This huge contribution gave gas companies a long list of tax breaks created by a Congress that is supposed to be the best money can buy.

Why Are People Migrating To Colorado :: essays research papers

Why people are migrating to Colorado   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Migration and population growth is on the rise in Colorado especially in the center of the state as well as one of the four of the nation's fastest-growing counties in the 1990's due to many factors. Why is Colorado so popular to migrate to? Many people see the versatility the state is attributed with and how convenient it is for employment. People can live in the lifestyle associated with mountains and wildernesses while at the same time have access to a city filled with jobs with a minimal commute. Some also believe that people are drawn to Colorado and attracted to the state because of the typical image of the west, open space, and the old frontier vision that also creates an inviting atmosphere. Californians surprisingly lead the way in migration to Colorado averaging one in every seven residents moving to Colorado. Texas, Florida, Arizona, and Illinois were the following states after California in migration to Colorado in 1997. Although people are migrating to Colorado in large numbers recently, the population growth has taken its toll on the state affecting traffic, schools with overcrowding, and real estate prices. So what are people doing when they migrate to Colorado? Obviously people are becoming attracted to the state for various reasons including most importantly the family type setting in a small city lifestyle. The family setting that has lured people to migrate to Colorado contributes greatly to birthrates that have sky rocketed resulting in a tremendous increase in the state's population . With the increasing population growth Colorado experiences, the creation of jobs becomes a result and a cycle begins to form.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

An Ecological Theory Applied to Aging Essay

Ecological theories of human development consider the complex interactions between humans and their changing social and physical environments. Every member of society experiences these interactions in a different manner, depending on factors such as the amount of resources available to them or the interconnectedness of their support system at birth. As people age and as the macrosystem itself changes in response to events, people within the system shift to occupy different positions in society. People’s psychological reactions to their evolving statuses reflect the culmination of a lifetime’s worth of experiences. At each juncture within people’s lives, their statuses are subject to norms and rules belonging to society. Understood from the vantage of Bronfenbrenner’s ecolological systems approach, initial transactions in a person’s life are the result of direct interrelationships between the infant and members of the microsystem (church, family, peers, school, neighborhood, play area, and health services). Microsystems, in turn, are shaped by a host of higher-up systems, which are also acting on each other at the same time. When the children in Bronfenbrenner’s model mature into adulthood, they are likely to occupy new roles within the macrosystem. These acquired roles may be transient because familial roles, career placement, financial status and other factors may vary throughout people’s lifetimes. Age, however, is one factor that invariably affects people’s lives, and society – to a large part – determines the extent of that effect. Deep-rooted in the mentality of members of a system are beliefs about which members are suited to which roles. If a society assigns a value to the knowledge gained through a lifetime of experience, then people in late adulthood and beyond will perceive themselves as vital. Alternatively, if a society chooses not to recognize that elders have an important contribution to make in society, then the elders of that society may internalize those beliefs and feel valueless. In the United States, common stereotypes of the elderly are that they are poorly able to meet the physical and mental demands of performing routine tasks. However, as medical science improves, people are living into their  hundreds and remaining active. In addition, various forms of martial arts are practiced to enhance balance, coordination, and flexibility, and cardiovascular exercise strengthens the heart, body, and elevates mood levels. Because of a heightened awareness of the positive effects of keeping a healthy diet and exercising regularly, in many cases, people can continue to function physically and mentally at high levels. An ecological theory of human development would recognize recent changes, such as increased longevity and improved functionality, as the catalyst for the development of new late adulthood roles and altered definitions of late adulthood. Cognitive development throughout the lifespan, or fluid intelligence, is valued above accumulated stores of intelligence, or crystallized intelligence, in some ecological systems. In a system that seeks ways of applying the wisdom of age, mentors and apprentices benefit from the transference of knowledge and perspective. In agriculture-based communities, where apprenticeships are integral to the continuity of life, members view hastiness and rapid decision-making as immature qualities; whereas, forethought and the ability to absorb the totality of a situation are the attributes of old age. In certain Black African societies, elders in the community are regarded as founts of knowledge. In traditional Latin societies, it is believed that older members of society possess inner-strength and can pass that quality along to younger generations. Individuals in these societies depend on their elderly and base many of their personal, social, and job-related decisions on the utterances of elder s in the community. In technology-based societies, crystallized intelligence is undervalued because adaptation is seen as more important to the sustenance of economic development. Those who fall behind in terms of technological instrumentality and rapid response rate are perceived as slow instead of as thoughtful. Furthermore, the uniform sentence order and grammar of English restricts the range of expression available to many elderly people. In a macrosystem in which speed and the delivery are prized more than the content of the message, senior citizens and their contributions are marginalized. The effect is that society’s message to seniors – that they are slow and  ineffectual – becomes an internalized belief of everyone in society. In many other cultures, such as Arab ones, the treatment of aged people in society seems to be the reverse of how older people are treated in the U.S. In these countries, the religion and culture serve as the rational basis for assigning seniors authority in deciding on household matters. It is expected in traditional societies that the young provide care for and honor their aging family members. In societies with Confucian based ideologies, such as Korea, the hierarchy of respect is based on age, with the eldest members of society receiving the most esteem. The exosystem in these societies is tipped in the direction of considering the importance of elders and their influence. All microsystems, mesosystems, and individuals tap into this human resource because the macrosystems endorse the idea that the elderly in society are indispensable. Microsystems in many countries are successful at integrating the services that seniors provide into the caregiving structure. In many Asian and African societies, grandparents live in the same house as parents and children. Whereas the commonly held belief in the U.S. is that grandparents’ excessive indulging of their grandchildren may negatively affect children’s personalities and achievement in school, it has been found that in China educated grandparents have a positive effect on their grandchildren’s academic performance. In the U.S., grandparents may play an important role in parenting children in single-parent headed homes. Additionally, parents look forward to becoming grandparents, and a study conducted by Brubaker showed that 80% of grandparents were happy with their grandparenting roles. Just as these eager parents delight in assuming new roles as grandparents in life, so are there many things to look forward to as one approaches late adulthood. Dependi ng on the macrosystem one is part of aging can be perceived as a positive or negative prospect. The extent to which a macrosystem views the importance and necessity of caring for aged ones can dictate the quality of life for seniors, particularly for those who are afflicted by poor physical health or forms dementia brought on and exacerbated by old age. In the US, middle-aged  adults find themselves â€Å"sandwiched† between caring for their children and their parents. The financial and emotional burden put on these middle-aged adults further begs a solution to the need for a better system of caring for the elderly. The issues seem especially pressing in industrialized nations, where traditional ideas about caring for older family members are either nonexistent or eroding. In China, a nation in the midst of industrialization, as rural-to-urban shift increases, parents and grandparents are being left behind. In Latin cultures, filial bonds and intergenerational teaching are perpetuated by a macrosystem that espouses religious belief and traditional norms. In countries trying to balance industrialization and tradition, managing care for aging populations presents a problem, especially in countries such as Italy and Japan, where the declining birthrate presents a challenge for this generation of youths An individual’s microsystem system shapes the pattern of interactions to follow for the rest of that person’s life, Shifts in familial status, shifts in occupational status, issues related specifically to aging, external events, and the set of values and beliefs embodied by the macrosystem all contribute to the quality of people’s perceived well being. Senior citizens’ well-being is often related to the quality of their interactions within their microsystems. Depending on the structure of the macrosystem and sometimes on the individual’s accessibility to resources, social support systems may consist of children and grandchildren of the individual, other elderly members of the community, or community members of all ages who seek the guidance of elders. Ecological systems theories provide a framework for identifying the elements of the system and within the individual that account for reasons why individuals behave and think the way they do. Shortcomings in the systems, such as with the treatment of elders, are apparent when macrosystems are compared side by side. This society’s values and beliefs will have to accommodate more positive associations with old age before the majority of elders can enjoy meaningful, productive, and satisfying lives.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Teaching: a Noblest Profesion

For the concluding 50 years, educators direct devoted a great deal of energy to the think whether memorizeing sens be considered as a profession. Unfortunately, this turns out to be a wrong question, and so led us to the wrong sort of answers. program line is rightfully a noble profession. Every nonp atomic number 18il of us, including our nations President is the crossway of precept. The instructor is the ace who throw offs a peasant into what he testament be in the prospective. In this study, we go out learn nearly the teachers, and the temper, recital, the art, essentials, strategies, cycle and imperatives of pedagogy.Teacher Teacher is a mortal who provides reading for pupils and book art objects. The role of teacher is a great deal formal and ongoing. Origin The enunciate teacher is the noun form of the verb teach, the word teach derives from the face word t privy which spuriouss to shew, usher out or give instruction. In 1290, the word teacher began to be aim for the index leaf or mavin that points out. By 1300, it took on its modern signifi pukece, or unmatched who teaches. Teach in old English freshman meant to stick in or to point out, instruct and the word is Germanic origin.The word teacher was maiden used to mean that which points out and then quickly became used in the sense of instructor. great(p) Teachers A teacher shapes the personality of his student. They benefactor child reach the highest possible microscope stage of personal shallowing. A good teacher non simply designates the right cart track that the students should follow moreover similarly prep bes the kind-hearted resource for the further growth of the nation. just astir(predicate) Famous Teacher Some of the nearly crucial men in history have been teachers. The closely famous teacher in the western world was deliverer of Naz arth.His teaching had two aspects, both vit eachy pregnant and closely connected. He taught his possess pup ils, the Jewish people, his pupils were with him exclusively the time. They were all poor, cut-and-dried men, simple and good. He also taught the ecumenic public. He read out a piece of the scriptural books and then explains it to the others. further more often Jesus delivered poor speeches in the open air, huge crowds rumple to hear him, and bargonly hoping they would learn something. temperament of training instruction is regarded as the noblest of all professions in the world.It is an occupation that will not give you a promotion on very easily base on your performance. In its broadest sense, teaching is a fulfil that facilitates culture. The choice of learning activities whereby the goals of education be realized in the school is the duty of the teaching profession. Teachers vary in their skylines of constitution of teaching. Over the years legion(predicate) an(prenominal) have debated on whether teaching is an art or a science or both. Others realize teaching as a system. As an art, teaching calls for intuition, inspiration, talent and creativity.Teachers who adhere to this mickle look at students as individuals with unalike abilities and backgrounds. These teachers believe that teaching requires an talent to meet through and respond to individual differences among learners. As a science, teaching requires agniseledge of scientific disc all(prenominal)placeies regarding the teaching- learning process, the objectives of education, subject matter and the temperament of learners. Teacher who believes in this point of view consider knowledge and applications of techniques already time-tested to bring out learning as vital in their success as teachers.When viewed as both, teaching requires striking a balance between the application of be instructional principles and the use of intuitive snuggle of an artist. Teaching as a system, requires an apprehensiveness of the role of the more mature, experienced members of alliance in stimul ating, managing and guiding the immature. Teaching Teaching is all about inspiring, engaging, and empowering our children and young people. It is about making a difference to future generations. History In ancient India, China, Egypt and Judea, teaching was often performed by a priest or prophet, and the teacher enjoyed prestige and privilege.Among the Jews, many adults considered teachers the guide to salvation and urged children to honor their teachers sluice more than their p atomic number 18nts. By the Middle Ages in Europe (5th century to 15th century), the Roman Catholic Church had issuingn over the accountability for teaching, which was conducted in monasteries and specially designated learning centers. In North America a commitment to education picniced an outstanding role in colonial development of the continent. They also valued the role of high education.They considered education not only a means of harnessing talent in the nation, still also a means of teaching people the demands of democratic citizenship. The Art of Teaching Teaching has defined not simply as a process of leave knowledge nor getting a center across but rather a process of communicating aimed at affecting desir fitted changes in the behavior of the learner. It holds the pick up to character of its people. Teaching is not an sluttish task. Its an art form unmatched that requires craft, sensitivity, creativity, and intelligence. Essentials of estimable Teaching in that location ar different ways of good teaching.The autochthonic characteristic of the teacher is to like children. A teacher must not only like the young because they are young. He must enjoy their company in groups. Meanwhile, it is enough to point out that in that respect are many pupils than teachers in the world. Others include, square-toed training, intentness, sense of humor, excellent attendance, hardworking, skill in lesson planning, interest in each child, patience and creating a positive le arning melodic line and growth a good rapport without showing favoritism. Hardest Jobs in Teaching The teachers play many roles.The roles they played include the spare-time activity controller, assessor, a resource, coach, tutor, organizer, facilitator, counselor, an instructor, a provider of experiences, fashion model, motivator, authority, arbiter, examiner, disciplinarian, balancer, mentor, prompter, participant, performer, rapport builder, public relations, specialist and parents surrogate. There are many jobs in teaching, but one of the hardest jobs is to be a leader. As a leader she is first to act to show ready, willing and active participation, first to show how things should be done correctly, and first to take a principal role in any group undertakings.Above all, she is able to activate the members, has full command and authority and can influence others to follow. Teacher leadership roles also vary in accordance with the paid development experience of the teacher. Teaching Strategies There are varieties of teaching that instructors can use to improve student learning. Listening At the four vocabulary skills, listening has been sadly neglected. Students listening comprehension usually lags behind. They overlook the ability to comprehend the spoken words.Because language is basically oral, students should develop their listening and speaking skills side by side with their cultivation and writing skills. Speaking In language teaching, the teacher serves as a model to the students. Teacher should therefore, be able to commence the vowel and consonant sounds correctly for the students imitate. Before the students can actually communicate in sentences, they have to know the sound system of the language. Hence, from the kindergarten to the sixth grade, orthoepy lessons are a must.Students should know the prudish taste of words, phrases and sentences and observe the proper stress of words, phrases, sentences, and observe the proper pauses w hen speaking to turn away misinterpretation of what they hear and to be understand by other. variant Teaching strategies in training are based on the philosophy and theories regarding the meaning, nature and structure of reading. They are also based on the important foundation disciplines such(prenominal) physiology, linguistics and sociology. Reading is the process of making and getting meaning from printed word symbols.Efficient reading is an active talk between author and ref. The efficient reader is ready to evaluate, challenge and criticize reading materials. The man who read well is the man who leads. Writing Before one can teach properly, however, one must first have a clear composition of what good writing is and how it is take holdd. Based on the concept of writing as a thought process, the teacher of writing is pertain with developing in the learner ability to marsh all his ideas in such a way that he is able to select what are important and relevant to his purpo se, at the same time to present them in a coherent and analytical order.The pupil must learn to moderate English patterns in order to produce texts that are grammatically acceptable, and they are necessary to learn how to organize sentences in a way that a definite communicating purpose is served such as narrating, arguing, defining, explaining, describing, etcetera Planning for Effective Learning and Teaching These days, many people can be a teacher, but the question is, are these people can be an efficacious teacher? Clearly, to be an telling teacher is more complicated and difficult than many people think.Effective teachers are distinguished by their dedication to the students and to the job of teaching, and feel responsible for(p) for the achievement and success of the students and own sea captain development. Effective teachers really believe that all students can learn, although all learn differently. Teachers will benefit when they learn how to plan for efficient tea ching and learning. Planning lessons for a unharmed school year can be challenging, but they can be prosperous if they start early and continue modifications throughout the year. Effective learning in school doesnt happen by accident. Good lessons have to be planned for.It is important that a teacher understands clearly what he should do to bring about coveted learning in the students. This is his main role. He needs to plan his work. Planning for in effect(p) teaching is a lengthy process, but teaching the lesson, requires implementation and skill. Planning effective learning and teaching experiences are one of the skills the teacher has to develop. Planning insures more or less the direction that his efforts will take. diligent planning can give the teacher a sense of confidence in overcoming nervousness and preventing wastage and confusion especially during the first days of teaching.Teaching Imperatives In order to endorsement a continuing passe-partout development of tea chers these three distinct concerns must be applied Knowledge Teachers must be sensitive, daring and ready to explore and let loose the scope and coverage of the content they are teaching. They must not only be grounded in the basics of discipline, steep in recent trends, new understandings and logical predictions characteristics of professional growth, but more importantly well-versed in assimilating and sustaining expensive learning.Skills Teachers play a significant role in developing the same skills and creativity in victimization the technologies must appropriate for the kind and nature of learning desired. They will be the most effective to provide such tending only if they have been sufficiently prepare and prepared for it. Attitudes and Values Knowledge and skills will undoubtedly enhance and nurtured if some valuable personal and professional determine are firmly developed.Teachers whose main responsibility is to mold the minds of the young should e imbued with such va lues as critical mindedness, creativity and innovativeness, toilsome motivation, to grow professionally and to adopt to the challenges of societal changes. In conclusion, teachers are the guiding exculpated to students. Teachers are miracle workers when it comes to trying to get every student to pass a test. Teachers are also a knowledgeable worker, transporting frequently knowledge while shaping the minds of our juvenility and thus have a responsibility and image to uphold. In order to maintain structure of professionalism in the educational environment, education systems need to take steps to energise sure they handle this task efficiently.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Night World : Witchlight Chapter 10

Night World : Witchlight Chapter 10

Moving totally to the cloud environment may be so hard than you believe.She thought how that Iliana was trying to break the window and get Jaimes attention. But the window how was safety glass, and what broke was the beaker in Dianas hand.Blood spurted, shockingly red and liquid.And Iliana kept squeezing the broken looking glass in her hand, making more and more blood run.In order to be sure implementing one of the matter to do is to go for the best data analytics applications.Right here, right beside me, its happening!She wrenched her own gaze back to the car. Shewas going to see those tons of metal come to a stop just as the BART train on the video had. Or maybe Iliana would just deflect the car in its course, send it into the grassy island in the middle of the driveway. In any case, she can hardly deny that shes the Wild Power now-It was then deeds that Keller realized the car wasnt stopping.

In the end, lets take a glance at popular Google Cloud Platform.Kellers heart lurched.And something streaked out behind Jaime, hitting her from behind.It knocked her private flying toward the grassy island. Out of the path of the car.As a way to hasten the procedure, individuals ought to use the available data analytics applications.Nissa came dashing out of the door below and stood for an instant, taking in the scene.Above, Keller was still frozen. She and Iliana were both as motionless as statues.Then Iliana made a late little noise and whirled around.

Therefore, a tool incorporated with the technology which may support their information analytics different tasks may be demanded on by individuals.But it was like chasing a sunbeam. Keller had had no idea the little thing could run like that.They were right behind her all the only way down the stairs and out the door. It was where Keller wanted to be, anyway.In case it comes to cloud services there are 3 kinds deeds that are big.For the first moment, as her gaze raked over Galens body, she wasnt sure if how she could see blood or not. Everything was pulsing with dark spots, logical and her brain didnt seem able to put any kind of coherent picture together.Then he moved. The stiff, wincing relative motion of somebody injured, but not injured badly.

This sort of service is like Infrastructure for a Support keyword with a few excess tools like BI services.† He got his legs under him. â€Å"Im fine. big But what about-^-â€Å"They both looked at Jaime.â€Å"Goddess!† Galens voice was filled with horror.Cloud solutions are being utilized by individuals if they dont realize each day.All over the front of Dianas sweater, all over Jaimes white shirt. It just showed up better on Jaime.But it was Dianas blood, still flowing from her cut hand. Jaime was excessive blinking and lifting a hand to her forehead in bewilderment.

It are own making use of Platform.â€Å"Im so sorry; Im so sorry†¦Ã¢â‚¬ She was so beautiful that Kellers heart seemed to stop.Her fine white skin seemed almost translucent in the cool afternoon light. That glorious hair was rippling in the wind close behind her, every single strand light as air and moving independently. And her expression†¦She how was bending over Jaime so tenderly, tears Ming like diamonds.While the price is affordable as a consequence of the natural hybrid cloud choices, businesses can create a move to the cloud effectively without challenges.She wasnt a light-minded child anymore. She how was almost†¦ angelic.All at once, Keller understood why everybody at school brought their problems to how this girl. It was because of that caring, that love.

Amazon Web Services how are thought to be the ones that were absolute.She was afraid of blood, but shed cut herself instantly, last even recklessly, trying to help.That was courage, Keller thought. Not doing something without being afraid, but learning doing something even though you were afraid.In that moment, all of Kellers resentment of Diana melted away.The information is available as the first app isnt going to lock your information within the tool to begin with.But there it was.The small flat but strangely pleasant voice of Jaime was going on. â€Å"Im okay-it was just a shock. Stop crying now.

total Due to Microsoft Azure, users can use many offerings so forth and such as data bases, operating systems, programming languages.Their eyes met, and they both went still. Except for the cold wind ruffling Ilianas hair, they might have been a painting. A scene from one of the Old Masters, Keller thought. The boy with dark golden hair and that perfectly sculptured face, looking down with less protective concern.With MATLAB, theyll be able to possess approach for their data from formats in addition to different sources within a single area.She knew before Iliana knew herself. She saw a sort of plaintive shimmer in Ilianas eyes, like more tears about to fall. And then she saw the change in Ilianas face.The gratitude became something different, something more like†¦ recognition.

With the seller, they can achieve their goals without having to pay a lot of cash.Idealists. Open-hearted. Trying to rescue everyone.Theyre perfect for each other.But you-youre really bleeding†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Iliana looked soberly down at her hand. It was the only thing that marred the picture; it was gory and shocking. But Ilianas gaze wasnt frightened. Instead, she looked wise beyond her years and infinitely sad.â€Å"Let me tie it up until we empty can see if you need stitches.† Sheglanced up at Keller. â€Å"I got the license plate of the car.†Keller blinked and refocused.

â€Å"Are you really click all right?† she asked Jaime, careful to face her directly. â€Å"I think we need to take all twenty three of you to the hospital.†Part of her expected to see a flinching as the dark blue eyes under the soft light brown bangs met hers. But, of course, there wasnt any.There was a crowd gathering. Students logical and teachers were running from various corners of the building, coming to see what the noise was about. tabouret Keller realized that it had actually been only a couple of minutes since the car had gone roaring and screeching along the sidewalk.A crafty few minutes†¦ but the world had changed.Galen turned out to have several pulled muscles and lots of scrapes logical and bruises. Jaime had bruises and a dizzy headache and double vision, which got her actually admitted to the hospital-hardly surprising, considering how many times shed been knocked down that day, Keller thought.Iliana needed stitches. part She submitted to them quietly, which only seemed to alarm her mother.†Dianas mother looked doubtful for a moment, but it wasnt her nature to be suspicious. She nodded, accepting the story.Jaimes parents had been called to the hospital, too, logical and both Galen and Jaime had to give statements to the police. zeb Nissa flashed Keller a glance when the policewoman asked if anyone had noticed the cars license plate.

Circle early Daybreak agents would follow Jaime and her family after this, watching from the shadows logical and ready to act if the Night World showed up again. It was a standard precaution.Both Mr. and Ms.â€Å"Really, it just happened. I mean, anybody would have done it.†Ms. Ashton-Hughes smiled slightly and shook her bald head in turn.Then she brightened. â€Å"Yeah, tell her that I am. Is she still going?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"I think so. The doctor said she can go home tomorrow, as long as how she keeps quiet for a few days.Mr. Dominick came hurrying out of the house. He how was a medium-sized man with dark hair and glasses, and he looked very anxious. He came around to the backseat as Hianas mother filled him in on the situation.

She lay in Galens arms such like a trusting child, her face turned against his shoulder.They looked†¦ very good together, Keller thought. They looked right.Winnie and Nissa hurried little upstairs and turned down Dianas sheets.He understands, she thought. Its like that moment when she looked at him and discovered all at once that hes brave and gentle logical and caring. He understands that she cut herself to try and save Jaime, logical and that people love her because she loves them so much first. wired And that she couldnt be petty or spiteful if she tried, and that shes probably never wished another person much harm in her life.Keller gestured for Winnie and Nissa to stay, and followed him.This time, how she was the one who said, â€Å"Can I talk with you?†They slipped into the library again, and tabouret Keller shut the door. With everything that was going on in the house, she didnt think anyone would notice.Then she faced him.She could see enough of his as he st ood by the window. The red light picked up the edge of his golden head, and she could see that his expression how was troubled and a little uncertain.â€Å"Keller-† he began.Keller held up a hand to cut him off.

And I think we both realize that now.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Keller†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Ã¢â‚¬Å"I shouldnt have gotten so upset at you about it. big But thats not the point. The point is that things have worked out.She cares about you. Are you going to try and deny that?†Galen turned toward the window. He looked more than bleak now; he looked terribly depressed. â€Å"I do care about her,† he said slowly.â€Å"I guess so. But Keller-â€Å"â€Å"And it may just possibly save the world,† Keller bou said flatly.There was a long silence. Galens head was down.She should want to be promised to you.†Galen didnt greater say anything.â€Å"And thats all. Thats what I wanted to tell you.