Monday, October 21, 2019

Brand Identity Development Assignment Example

Brand Identity Development Assignment Example Brand Identity Development – Assignment Example The paper "Brand Identity Development" is a wonderful example of an assignment on marketing. These are a brand of human characteristics, which are in most cases attributed to the name of a certain brand. When brand personality is mentioned, it reflects the sense that a consumer/client can easily relate to the brand. Also, it is expected in the business world that a good and effective brand should have the capacity to brand equity, and this can only be achieved by having consistency in a certain set of traits. Apart from the core values of the brand, brand personality comes in as an added value. The elements of brand personality shall be integrated into the paper, and include sincerity, ruggedness, competence, excitement, and sophistication (Amelia 48). Every individual possesses their personality. The personalities can be categorized to five, the openness to experience where the individual is known to appreciate emotion, adventure, art, ideas among other positive attributes. The othe r personality is the conscientiousness, where the person is organized and efficient. Extraversion is a personality portraying energy and zeal and is usually compared to the reserved people who are not outgoing. Agreeableness is a friendly personality that also depicts compassion the last is the neuroticism, where an individual possesses the stability of emotions (Mike, 2013). According to Katharina (9), brand personalities are directly linked to human personality. The above-mentioned attributes are expected to be linked to brand personalities such as excitement and sincerity, so as to achieve the best branding effects. The mood board depicts different images of certain drugs, which are both pain killers and curative in nature. The temporary logo that is to be used is the Vicks symbol which is a symbolization of the entire products on the mood board. The consumer has the impression image, through visuals, of the product that relates to them (Daniel 40).

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